Spooktacular Blog Hop Giveaway (Lots of Giveaways!)

spooktacular_blog_hopHalloween’s here, and I’m participating in a spooktacular blog hop-athon giveaway with my crew of fantabulous writer friends. We call ourselves the “Author Co-op,” and we support each other on our publishing/writing journeys.

We hope you’ll hop along and leave comments on all our posts to enter our giveaways. Please see the bottom of this post for links to the other blog posts. I’m giving away a signed copy of KILMOON and a wee Irish gift.

In honor of the season, most of us will be providing suspenseful or mysterious or spooky or atmospheric excerpts from our works in progress or upcoming novels. But there are no hard-and-fast rules. We’re having fun!

Leave comments by the end-of-day, Halloween, to enter the giveaways.

Here’s an excerpt from my work-in-progress, the second County Clare mystery, GREY MAN. It’s the first page–very drafty! Actually, I could use some feedback. Does something like this work as an entree to a novel?

There was always a voice within the fog. From ancient times its wet hiss could cajole, could fool an innocent into the Grey Man’s grasp. The Grey Man brought death, everyone knew that. Everyone had always known what haunted the fogs that rolled in off the Atlantic.

So it went without saying that on a Wednesday afternoon, mid-September, locals marked the day Grey Man spread its moist shroud over sheep, rock walls, and pocked limestone near Lisfenora village. Local lore about the dark faerie that oozed its way onto land when the fog rolled in sent children to their ma’s’ beds in fright for their lives. In the fogs that lay thick over the land anyone might catch a glimpse of a figure with cloak made of swirling mists. It might arrive any time to cling to the land with sinister tendrils, waiting for the right moment to snatch an innocent soul into its gloom.

Later, the most superstitious of the locals claimed to know their uneasiness for more than a tingle along their spines and a few hairs raised on their necks.

And later still, all of the locals would ponder the grey man within their midst.

If you’re new to me and my novels, and curious about my debut novel, KILMOON, please click on the link in the sidebar for more information.

Please hop along to the following spooktacular blog hop posts (in no particular order):

Heather Webb http://www.heatherwebbauthor.com/2014/10/30/spooktacular-book-hop-prizes-galore/ : a signed copy of either BECOMING JOSEPHINE or an arc of RODIN’S LOVER and a holiday pack of chocolate goodies

Anna Lee Huber http://www.annaleehuber.com/blog_entry.php?id=260 : audiobooks for Lady Darby mysteries 1 through 3

Alexandra Hughes http://www.ahugheswriter.com/spooky-halloween-blog-hop.html : an audiobook or an early copy of VACANT

Jennifer Delamere http://jenniferdelamere.com/news/2014/10/30/spooktacular-blog-hopa-deleted-scene-from-an-heiress-at-heart/ : advanced copy of A BRIDE FOR THE SEASON

Kerry Schafer http://www.kerryschafer.com/2014/10/29/spooktacular-blog-hop-and-giveaway/ : signed copy of WAKEWORLD

Stacey Lee http://www.staceyhlee.com/spooktacular-blog-hop-from-under-a-painted-sky/ : advanced copy of UNDER A PAINTED SKY

Janet Butler Taylor  http://janetbtaylor.com/spooktacular-blog-hop-prizes-galore/ : $15 Amazon gift cards and chocolate goodies

Hazel Gaynor http://www.hazelgaynor.com/blog/spooktacular-halloween-blog-hop-giveaway/ :  signed ARC of A MEMORY OF VIOLETS and a signed book jacket of THE GIRL WHO CAME HOME


30 thoughts on “Spooktacular Blog Hop Giveaway (Lots of Giveaways!)

  1. Um, YES this works as an opening to a novel! It is so creepy and atmospheric and makes you feel like you just HAVE to turn the page to see what happens next. I haven’t read your first novel yet so I will be adding that one to my wish list. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Hi Lisa, your entree above reminds me of John Connolly’s style (an Irish author ;)), quite spooky stuff, so I think it does work. Killmoon looks like a great read, would love to win 🙂

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